MITS Unique System Enables You to Print Soft Model

This technology brings the following advantages

Advantages of coater system
- Prevents the soft model crashed by its weight.
- Nice and easy peels the coating sheet off the model.
- Reduces the supports especially at the inside of the hollow model.
- Double coater system enables composite printing (M3DS-SHD)

The Mechanism of Double Coater System

The newly released M3DS-SHD has two coaters that can contain different materials. One is for soft material (Resin A), the other is for hard material (Resin B).

The Two Coaters

The two coaters of M3DS-SHD apply two different resins alternately on the coating sheet, and each time one of the resins is applied, the light from the projector cures it. By repeating this process, the printer delivers the object composed with the two resins.

To Clean up the Boundary of Different Materials - Cleaner

However, it was difficult to obtain clean and sharp boundary between the two resins only with this process, because the resins adhered on the object and mixed easily.
To solve this problem, we developed 'Cleaner' that works in between two coaters of M3DS-SHD. Alcohol inside the 'Cleaner' washes the resin adhered to the coating sheet and object, so the machine can continue printing without the mixture of resins.
Composite printing - flexible material and rigid material - became possible with this cleaning process.

The Process from STL files to Print

1. Prepare two STL files. Each STL file represents where each resin forms.
2. Synthesize the two STL files in bundled 3D slicer software, and export the sliced data.
3. Coaters alternately apply and cure the resins, and make one layer. (cleaning process in between).
4. The printer repeat the process 3 above and prints an object.